Editing FAQs
Why should I hire you?
In addition to my skills as an editor, I also possess a fairly extensive knowledge of the industry. I have a number of resources at my disposal and can provide you with coaching and input on the publishing process, whether you plan to query agents or self-publish. I also provide manuscript copies and ISBN’s at a significant discount.
What are the types of editing?
This can be quite confusing, as sources often name and define them differently, and there is frequent overlap between the styles. Allow me to clarify how I characterize them for our purposes:
-developmental editing: as the name implies, this type of editing is largely centered on the creative
aspects and evolution of a manuscript. Often, though not always, developmental editing takes place
early in the writing process and typically requires much in the way of collaborative brainstorming
between author and editor. Main focuses are story arc, plot (and subplots), character development,
perspective and POV, pacing, style, and the like.
-content editing: (or substantive editing) is a global look at the project to identify issues with
structure, theme, syntax, passive vs. active voice, “showing vs. telling,” continuity, and often
involves some measure of light research and substantiation of facts.
-copy/line editing: your copy editor will review your manuscript for grammar, spelling, proper use
of numerals, capitalization, punctuation, verb tense, voice and tone, and formatting. Your copy
editor will also assure consistency and (if necessary) adherence to a specific style guide such as the
Chicago Manual of Style or APA.
-proofreading: a thorough review of the final draft(s) for any remaining errors and consistency
concerns that may have escaped notice in any of the previous steps. This is typically the last line of
defense and the final step of the writing process.
How do you determine what kind of editing is needed?
For the most part, this comes down to how much actual writing, restructuring, and revising I anticipate I will need to do. Line editing is more correction based, focusing on the areas listed in the above definition. If I feel that there will be a significant amount of rewriting (or drafting suggestions for you), then I will usually categorize that as content editing.
How do I know how many formatted pages I have?
Divide your total word count by 250. The result is your estimated page count. All initial quotes will be based upon this industry standard (as per this chart). Your contract will provide a specific cost based on the formatted manuscript. In my experience, this usually tilts in the author's favor unless the manuscript is dialogue heavy.
Do you provide developmental editing?
While I’m capable of doing so, and though I’ll likely give some developmental advice within a content edit, I don’t often take on projects in their early stages. That said, feel free to send me an inquiry, and we can discuss it. My own excellent editor, Alida Winternheimer, may also be available to assist you.
I need a beta reader. Can you help me out?
If my workload permits, sure! There are few things more valuable than some truly objective insight. As long as you’re not sending a 400+ page epic saga my way, I’ll beta read and provide you with my thoughts and suggestions for $100. Just shoot me a request.
How can I minimize my costs?
While not foolproof, the more times a manuscript has been read and revised, the lower the cost is likely to be. Enlist beta readers, and get as much feedback as possible. Rewrite accordingly.